Effective acne treatment begins with improved understanding of the skin condition, Blemishes, whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, and any red, swollen bumps that give off warmth are signs of inflammation and acne. There are millions of people who struggle with acne all over the world; in fact, over 40 million people suffer from it.

Triggers of Acne flare:

  1. High levels of stress
  2. Hormones related to puberty or menstrual cycle
  3. Smoking
  4. Genetics

New medications or changes in medication dosages

Significant skin changes that lead to Acne:
Acne develops from

  1. follicular epidermal hyperkeratosis with subsequent plugging of the follicle,
  2. Increased sebum production which results in the development of microcomedones,
  3. The presence and activity of Cutibacterium acnes (formerly Propionibacterium acnes), and
  4. inflammation

Acne can manifest in various ways:

Acne with clogged pores requires specialized treatment
Clogged Pores associated with acne
Inflammatory acne requires specialized treatment
Inflammatory acne

The key to successful treatment of acne begins with understanding your skin type. It is important to know for example, whether you have dry sensitive skin or oily dehydrated skin. If your skin care products are not appropriate for your skin type, you may actually worsen your skin condition with your generic acne skin care products.

A successful acne program successful begins with a detailed skin analysis. Specialized skin analysis under 6 different light conditions, including UV light will identify your skin type and guide the most effective target for your acne. Once a proper assessment and diagnosis of your skin has been performed, your specific acne treatment will target all four major factors that contribute to your acne.

The key steps include adjusting sebum production, intense exfoliation and deep pore cleansing alongside antibacterial and anti-inflammatory therapies results in a successful acne skin care program. 

    • Topical low dose retinoids in a high-quality medical grade formulation that improves the absorption. Over time the use can decrease sebum production and shrink the size of your pores.
    • Oil Control Chemical peel: utilizes a high concentration of medical grade chemicals to target and reduce oil production and shrink pore sizes.
    • Photodynamic therapy: This is most effective for inflammatory acne. A topical solution is applied to the skin. Once fully absorbed the skin is exposed to an intense light source to target and diminish sebum production
    • Non-Ablative laser treatment can be used to shrink the pore sizes, which over time will lead to a gradual reduction in oil production.
    • Specialized combinations of beta hydroxyl and alpha hydroxyl acids can be applied to the skin in a medical grade, pH controlled formulation to provide gradual, daily exfoliation of the skin.
    • Clarifying chemical peels for acne: These types of medical grade chemical peels are designed to unclog your pores and exfoliate dead skin. This is very effective for improving the appearance of the acne problem skin. A custom chemical peel solution is applied to your skin that causes it to exfoliate, unclog pores and eventually peel off. The newly regenerated skin is therefore smoother with less acne and more even skin tone.
    • Dermal Infusion: This procedure will deeply clean and exfoliate your skin for a healthy glow. At the same time this procedure will suction and unclog your pores while infusing powerful acne fighting solution into your pores.
    • Laser skin resurfacing: Using targeted laser energy the superficial layer of the skin can be targeted and destroyed. This procedure will unveil, younger, healthier skin.
    • Topical solutions including benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acids can target and treat acne-causing bacteria and inflammation.
    • LED Phototherapy uses non-thermal and non-invasive light. This gentle treatment can be applied to the skin to achieve various therapeutic outcomes. The specific target chromophore with specific wavelengths are used either alone or in combination to target acne and pigmentation skin problems.
Blue LED light therapy for Acne
Blue LED light therapy


Once your acne is under control, the next step for improved skin texture should focus on scar treatment for smoother, healthy skin. This can be achieved in a variety of ways:

  • High concentration Medical grade deep chemical peels. These types of peels will penetrate deep within the skin and adequately treat acne scars after a series of treatments.
  • Skin microneedling procedure uses small needles to pierce the skin for the purpose of disrupting epidermal or dermal scars. Mild trauma from tiny micro-needles stimulate the skin to produce new collagen and elastin. As a result, a smoother, firmer, more toned skin with reduced acne scarring is revealed. Utilizing an FDA approved device is important for safety and efficacy.
Microneedling device for acne treatment
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AnewSkin Doc


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