Curious about anti-aging, skin rejuvenation? Are you noticing that as you get older sun damage has started to take its toll, your hormones have changed, collagen production slips and your facial skin is losing elasticity and fullness. To add insult to injury, pesky little sun-spots and skin discoloration have started to show up on your […]
Month: December 2020

3 Ways to Fall Back from the Summer Sun
Spending some serious time with the sun is a lot like getting back together with your ex—you know you shouldn’t, but it can be so darn tempting. If you overindulged in the sun this summer, your skin might be a little angry. Luckily, you can fall back with these treatments for sun-damaged skin on your […]

Microtreatments for the Decades
As we age, our skin changes. It’s a fact of life. When we are young, we may notice acne or acne scarring. However, as the years go by, days spent in the sun catch up with us, and we begin to experience a loss of facial volume and collagen production begins to slow. While there […]

25% TCA Peel and Dermabrasion Significantly Improves Acne Scar Appearance
[ad_1] A superficial peel of 25% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) followed by manual dermasanding in separate sessions is effective in the treatment of mild to moderate acne scars, according to results of a study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. Although the combined treatment of chemical peeling and dermabrasion of the face for treatment of […]