Is it Time to Rejuvenate Your Neck?

We have all been there. One day you are youthful and only worried about the wrinkles on your face, the next you have a full blown crepey wrinkly tech neck. The skin on our neck ages differently than the skin on our face and requires its own unique, age-defying treatment. Facial moisturizers will only provide minimal benefits and age-defying results on the neck. If you are just getting into the anti-aging game and never knew the ole ‘include your neck’ tip, don’t worry it’s not too late! You can improve your aging neck with a high quality anti-aging neck treatments.

The Most Common Signs of Aging on the Neck

If you know, you know. But if you are still in the prevention stage of an aging neck, here are the signs to look for and start treating before they get worse: Slackened skin, crepiness, horizontal necklace lines, turkey neck appearance (such lovely terms), platysmal bands (the vertical muscles that start to show with age), fat accumulation, and mottled skin appearance. It’s not a bad idea to already be using your products down your neck too, especially SPF. Adding in a specified neck treatment will give your skin maximum results.

Radio-Frequency Neck Tightening:

When you are ready to take serious steps to improve the appearance of your neck, consider a radiofrequency neck treatment. This treatment is designed to gently heat the deep layers of the skin. The result is increased collagen production, and decrease in the appearance of wrinkles. A series of 2 to 3 treatments are recommended.

Vampire Neck Lift:

Microneedling with PRP is not just a great treatment for your face, your neck will benefit from all that golden nutrition. The growth factors in PRP combined with microneedling can gradually transform the aging neck to a firmer, more youthful appearance. A series of treatments is recommended for best results.

RF-IPL Photofacial

Not just for the face! Your neck (and chest) can have sunspots and sun-damage as well. Broad Band Light treatment with IPL can target and treat skin discoloration for a more youthful appearance. A series of treatments are recommended.

So, is it time to show your neck some love? If you are struggling with how to start your neck rejuvenation, call us for a free consultaion. Or, book an anti-aging skin evaluation today.

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